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The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal wanted to update its image. They were seen as a somewhat stogy businessman’s paper bending to the conservative side. They wanted to attract some new, younger consumers. The campaign platform we used was: “Every Journey needs a Journal.” Combined with out-of-the-box personalities, the campaign won the pitch and The Wall Street Journal won a whole new set of subscribers.One cool part of this campaign is we asked the people featured to draw their journey’s in some cases that went well in other case not so well.

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This campaign ran as print, digital and out of home. It was shot by Platon. One celebrity flatly turned us down saying they hated Dow Jones and everything the Wall Street Journal stood for, but they will remain nameless (George Clooney).

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We also created work that ran across the country as outdoor.

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Contact Tony at:

609 510 6848